Sunday, July 25, 2010


I did manage to resist the milkshakes mentioned earlier, and we had a great time. I didn't feel very deprived or jealous until the very end when my boyfriend was scooping the last bits of cookie out of his cup with the straw, but by then it was luckily too late!

Later on, it was time to make dinner. Even though I am trying to eat whole foods instead of packaged diet foods, I picked up a few frozen veggie steamer packs and Lean Cuisines for those inevitable nights when chopping veggies just feels too hard. I want to save them for when I really need them, but I've been dying to try one of them and decided to go ahead and have it.

My main issue with frozen stuff is that it usually has way too much sauce. I have to rinse off the veggie packs after cooking to get most of the nasty fake butter sauce off, then reheat it. I guess I'm lucky that I don't like heavy sauces. I always envy people on weight loss plans who can say "Oh, I really don't like pizza" or "Fast food doesn't tempt me at all," but I guess my own personal dieting benefit is that I don't like much sauce or dressing on my food, and I downright despise mayonnaise. I know there's someone out there who can't stomach a salad with half a serving of dressing or hates the taste of a sandwich without mayo, so I should feel lucky.

I was going to post a mini-review of the meal I had tonight, but I think I'll do that separately and link back here. Overall though, it was pretty tasty and filling for the size. I'll probably be buying these again, though it will be a two-or-three-meals-per-week treat.

Can you imagine how proud and satisfied I was to see my Lean Cuisine box sitting in the trash next to my friends' milkshake cups, especially knowing I could have eaten five of that meal for the calories in a shake? Making the right choices really does feel good!

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