Wednesday, July 28, 2010

First Mistake

Well, I messed up. And it was small, and not at all the end of the world.

I had my usual flax seed and yogurt breakfast, peanut butter on fruit slices instead of bread for lunch, two small oranges for a snack, and a big plate of tasty roasted veggies for dinner. Everything was on plan. I wasn't hungry, though I did have another snack planned for later.

And then I got the bright idea to make my boyfriend a milkshake to help deal with his stress. He's not an especially emotional eater and is nowhere near overweight. I suspect my inner fat kid really wanted me to see and smell the ice cream so I'd tell myself that just one bite would be okay.

And I did.

Fortunately, the stuff tasted disgustingly sweet. I have never been the kind of person to dislike very sweet foods, so this is a first for me. I did take a couple of bites, but in the end I'm kind of proud because this is the first time I've been able to stop a binge. In the past I would have inhaled the rest of the ice cream, scoured the freezer for more, poured myself a tall glass of soda, and called around to find out what pizza places are open.

I have had mild cravings for pizza and fast food all day. I'm definitely eating enough calories (I'm aiming for anything below 1600 and coming in around 1400 most days), but I think I'm low on protein. I ran out of chicken breast and have been relying on dairy and peanut butter, and I think I need to go pick up some beans and meat tomorrow.

The good news is that I am still under my calorie limit for today, and will be even if I decide to have that snack later! That's the best (almost) binge I've ever had if you ask me.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! You are making some progress and you stopped yourself! Before you know it, you'll be able to say no without even thinking about it! I know what you mean about the protein-I find it very hard to fit into my diet (even in the past) because I am just not one to eat a lot of meat all of the time. I had some grilled chicken tenders that I made last week, but the mini-fridge that I borrowed from someone from the summer I don't think works very well so some of it went to waste I'm guessing before it should have. In about 2 weeks I will be moving (hopefully) into an apartment though, so all will be solved then!
